idea blog

Marketing commentary for better. Or worse.

Sir Mix-a-Lot’s “Baby Got Back” returns to the marketing world in this new campaign for Charmin.  It’s far from what we’d expect from the Charmin brand but it works for this campaign.

The commercial starts out with a do not disturb sign over the handle of a bathroom door then cuts to 3-D bear breaking it down to “Baby Got Back” in what looks like his own private dance party. Seconds later he’s startled by and unexpected spectator and after that awkward moment passes the commercial highlights the sweepstakes and the fresh bottom bear carries on with his dancing.

You have to admit a few distinct visuals that come to mind when you hear this song and a freshly wiped bear isn’t one of them. So props to the bear for giving us a new appreciation for a Charmin wiped bottom. With that said, show you “Enjoy the Go” and enter the sweepstakes here.

Client: Charmin